1 00:00:00,150 --> 00:00:03,030 Next up, I'd like to talk about who uses Git. 2 00:00:03,030 --> 00:00:06,360 So this will be pretty quick as well and optional. 3 00:00:06,360 --> 00:00:09,480 You don't have to know about this in order to use it. 4 00:00:09,480 --> 00:00:16,350 But the first most obvious group would be engineers, developers, coders ranging from people who work 5 00:00:16,350 --> 00:00:21,210 on their own little tiny side projects or just hobby projects. 6 00:00:21,210 --> 00:00:28,560 Entrepreneurs up to massive tech giants like Facebook and Google Get is the most commonly used version 7 00:00:28,560 --> 00:00:30,150 control system, as we talked about. 8 00:00:30,150 --> 00:00:35,580 And when you're developing applications, version control is very, very important to use. 9 00:00:35,580 --> 00:00:41,640 On its official home page, they list some of the companies that use it Google, Facebook, Microsoft, 10 00:00:41,640 --> 00:00:43,500 Twitter, LinkedIn, Netflix. 11 00:00:43,500 --> 00:00:50,160 And then if you go to a website like Stack Share where you can view I don't know how accurate Stack 12 00:00:50,160 --> 00:00:54,450 share is, but you can view different tools and companies that use them. 13 00:00:54,450 --> 00:01:00,930 There's other companies like Robinhood, Reddit, Lyft, stack share itself uses get smaller companies, 14 00:01:00,930 --> 00:01:03,630 Patreon, Fiverr, Canva. 15 00:01:03,630 --> 00:01:05,010 I use Canva all the time. 16 00:01:05,040 --> 00:01:06,660 Massive companies like Walmart. 17 00:01:06,660 --> 00:01:10,680 Anyway, the point is it's used by pretty much any engineering team you can think of. 18 00:01:10,710 --> 00:01:17,250 Also, another group that uses Git or at least would benefit from being familiar with Git are tech adjacent 19 00:01:17,250 --> 00:01:17,820 roles. 20 00:01:17,820 --> 00:01:23,760 So people who are not developers but work with developers or deal with developers learning the basics 21 00:01:23,760 --> 00:01:24,450 of git. 22 00:01:24,720 --> 00:01:30,690 It's not all that difficult and it can help a lot with conversations, with deadlines, with just setting 23 00:01:30,690 --> 00:01:31,680 expectations. 24 00:01:31,680 --> 00:01:37,950 And in particular, designers often need the basic understanding to be able to work with Git and communicate 25 00:01:37,950 --> 00:01:38,970 with developers. 26 00:01:38,970 --> 00:01:45,780 So another completely separate group of people who are using Get these days are governments and large 27 00:01:45,780 --> 00:01:47,790 organizations, not technical. 28 00:01:47,940 --> 00:01:55,860 They're not I don't know tech startups governments use get a lot to manage the drafting of laws, collaboration 29 00:01:55,890 --> 00:02:00,600 of drafting laws, sharing data and large data sets. 30 00:02:00,600 --> 00:02:03,750 So Washington DC City Council uses Git and GitHub. 31 00:02:03,750 --> 00:02:10,199 We'll talk about GitHub in a bit to publish its laws and have made it a collaborative process and citizens 32 00:02:10,199 --> 00:02:14,190 have actually found and fixed typos collaboratively in those laws. 33 00:02:14,190 --> 00:02:15,690 They fix them using Git. 34 00:02:15,900 --> 00:02:17,700 So I think I have some examples. 35 00:02:18,300 --> 00:02:18,930 Here we are. 36 00:02:18,930 --> 00:02:20,940 This is the city of Chattanooga. 37 00:02:21,000 --> 00:02:26,280 They use GitHub, which again we'll talk about what GitHub is and how it compares to Git. 38 00:02:26,670 --> 00:02:28,830 But all you need to know is that it's based on Git. 39 00:02:28,830 --> 00:02:30,570 So this project is simple. 40 00:02:30,600 --> 00:02:34,230 It just shares parking locations in the city of Chattanooga. 41 00:02:34,350 --> 00:02:38,400 And then if we go to GitHub Web page, they have something called Government GitHub. 42 00:02:39,480 --> 00:02:45,180 They they show actually a whole bunch of different governments that use GitHub, which again is built 43 00:02:45,180 --> 00:02:46,110 on top of Git. 44 00:02:46,260 --> 00:02:52,920 So governments, groups from Argentina, Australia, the US, the UK, I mean pretty much every country 45 00:02:53,190 --> 00:02:54,210 is listed here. 46 00:02:54,210 --> 00:02:58,680 Now that doesn't mean that Git plays a central role in all of these governments. 47 00:02:58,680 --> 00:03:07,890 For example, let's see USGS, the US Geological Survey, they have a whole bunch of things on GitHub 48 00:03:07,890 --> 00:03:12,810 pages and pages of these projects that are shared with the public and they use Git to manage all of 49 00:03:12,810 --> 00:03:14,160 them anyway. 50 00:03:14,460 --> 00:03:17,430 So that's another group that use it these days. 51 00:03:17,430 --> 00:03:25,560 Scientists also more and more are using Git to help collaborate on projects to share findings and data 52 00:03:25,560 --> 00:03:31,890 sets to manage code and work together on code bases and get in GitHub together. 53 00:03:31,920 --> 00:03:37,590 Really work well in an open source or a peer reviewed world like science and research. 54 00:03:38,040 --> 00:03:39,360 We'll learn more about GitHub. 55 00:03:39,360 --> 00:03:41,010 I keep saying that, but we will. 56 00:03:41,400 --> 00:03:45,120 And some other groups, writers, not all writers. 57 00:03:45,120 --> 00:03:50,520 Certainly it's not that common these days, but some writers really are becoming fans of Git. 58 00:03:50,520 --> 00:03:55,290 I listened to some screenwriting podcasts to fall asleep to sometimes and every so often there's an 59 00:03:55,290 --> 00:03:59,280 episode about using Git to write screenplays, manage versions, write. 60 00:03:59,280 --> 00:04:01,290 I talked about having different essay versions. 61 00:04:01,290 --> 00:04:06,510 Well, with a screenplay you've got so many revisions, so many drafts or a novel, so many characters, 62 00:04:06,510 --> 00:04:10,920 so many ways of structuring a novel, ordering things different arcs. 63 00:04:10,920 --> 00:04:13,980 So Git is definitely gaining in popularity there. 64 00:04:14,070 --> 00:04:20,459 And then specifically, I've seen multiple use cases of Git for collaborative textbook writing where 65 00:04:20,459 --> 00:04:22,380 textbooks usually have multiple authors. 66 00:04:22,380 --> 00:04:27,210 So this is a book, a textbook on informal homo topi. 67 00:04:28,500 --> 00:04:31,260 I think it's homo topi type theory. 68 00:04:31,260 --> 00:04:33,420 I have no clue what it is. 69 00:04:33,570 --> 00:04:37,650 What the book I mean, this means nothing to me other than the fact that it's a textbook on something 70 00:04:37,650 --> 00:04:38,580 crazy sounding. 71 00:04:38,670 --> 00:04:42,390 But a lot of people have used this textbook. 72 00:04:42,390 --> 00:04:45,990 It looks like a couple of thousand people have started. 73 00:04:45,990 --> 00:04:49,350 So it's like a favorite of their projects on GitHub. 74 00:04:49,620 --> 00:04:51,300 And here we'll see. 75 00:04:51,300 --> 00:04:54,810 There's 85 people who have collaborated to write this textbook. 76 00:04:55,020 --> 00:04:56,670 Just one simple example. 77 00:04:57,460 --> 00:05:00,880 Now the last slide, anyone really can use it. 78 00:05:01,180 --> 00:05:07,210 People find all sorts of creative uses from keeping a daily diary to writing their PhD thesis with Get 79 00:05:07,210 --> 00:05:08,860 All the Way to composers. 80 00:05:08,860 --> 00:05:15,730 I saw a Reddit comment from a music composer who writes symphonies and he uses Git to help track the 81 00:05:15,730 --> 00:05:20,640 massive changes, all the different files, the parts as his symphonies evolve over time. 82 00:05:20,650 --> 00:05:25,450 It's a month, multiple month process to write a symphony for a full orchestra with all the different 83 00:05:25,450 --> 00:05:26,500 instruments written out. 84 00:05:26,680 --> 00:05:28,510 He uses Git to help with that. 85 00:05:28,720 --> 00:05:35,110 So I assume a lot of you who are watching this are probably in this group right there, or maybe this 86 00:05:35,110 --> 00:05:35,650 group. 87 00:05:35,650 --> 00:05:40,660 But increasingly I expect in the next few years there'll be more governments, more scientists, more 88 00:05:40,660 --> 00:05:45,190 writers, more symphony composers who use Git. 89 00:05:45,190 --> 00:05:49,720 Because it really can be, I won't say a life changer, maybe a life saver. 90 00:05:49,750 --> 00:05:54,550 It can save you a lot of stress and time down the line, assuming you can get past the initial hurdle 91 00:05:54,550 --> 00:05:55,420 of learning it. 92 00:05:55,420 --> 00:05:58,900 We are on the precipice of learning it, so I'll shut up.